Huddersfield Dental Implants & Cosmetics

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Dental Implants »

Want are Implants?

Implants are specially designed screws made of titanium which are placed into the jaw and act like natural tooth roots. Replacement teeth can then be attached in the form of crown or bridge work filling any gaps and leaving you with the confidence to smile.

Implants...the most successful way in:

• PERMANENTLY restoring gaps.
• PERMANENTLY replacing your missing teeth.
• PERMANENTLY replace your smile.

Implants: Crowns and Bridges

Implants are titanium roots that your own bone grows round; there are no known allergies or reactions to titanium.

The titanium root or implant has a connector that joins the new tooth to the implant, this is called the abutment and it can be made from titanium or zirconium. The zirconium ones are the most natural looking.

Teeth can be placed on implants at the same time as the old teeth are extracted, but sometimes it is better to wait a while for the implants to fix in the jaw. All options will be covered at the time of your examination.

The most natural appearance is achieved when the final tooth is made from Zirconia as well as the connector between the implant and the crown. Sometimes grafting is necessary to get the best fit and appearance of implant teeth.

Unlike dentures implants are very secure and will not move, they will not damage the other teeth either, which is a problem when bridges are used to replace teeth.

Dr Robin Warne has a Masters degree in implant dentistry. He can replace single or multiple teeth and is usually able to do any grafting necessary to give the best position and appearance for the implants.

The centre in town accepts referrals from many other dentists.

For more information on implants, please click here!